Both of You

Hands up who’s ever wished they could live another woman’s life? Hands up who’s ever thought, wouldn’t it be nice to live in a house completely different (assume better) than mine, with a life completely different (think less housework and more sex) than mine?

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Troppo: TV Review by Siobhan Mullany

This series has stayed with me. The reason is Amanda Pharrell. The series is based on the book Crimson Lake by Sydney Sisters in Crime member, Candice Fox. Fox created a character in Amanda who is difficult to like and more difficult to understand. Nicole Chamoun plays her to perfection. She is compelling from her first appearance.

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The Nurse as Sleuth: Lyn McFarlane

The original inspiration for The Scarlet Cross came from my sister, who is an avid crime reader and a former psychiatric nurse. She was the one who suggested a hospital as the setting for a crime novel and I heartily agreed: the caregivers in a hospital are often at the coal face of crime, especially in the emergency department.

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ANA. All In: TV review by Siobhan Mullany

You don’t have to be a legal nerd to be sucked into the vortex of this series. I was furious with Ana. Her behaviour was almost too much. Her injuries were not pretty. And I was on the edge of the seat. No spoilers, but the ending is terrific.

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Crazy capers: Kellie McCourt

For me, Indigo is Batman in Chanel. Like Batman, her superpower is that she’s ridiculously rich. However, unlike Batman, she doesn’t go looking for crime to fight, rather crime comes looking to pick a fight with her.

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