Working Class Girl: Q&A with Karina Kilmore

Debut author Karina Kilmore drew on her own life and work background to write her debut novel Where the Truth Lies (Simon & Schuster) which centres on a journalist investigating a death on the wharves and the tribal divide between big business, the media and unions. She spoke to Maggie Baron.  Q: Hi Karina, firstly …

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Everyday psychopaths: Kelli Hawkins

Writing a crime thriller marks the author as a slightly suspicious person; perhaps even a downright shady one – or so I’ve recently discovered. My debut novel, Other People’s Houses, was released in March and I’ve lost count of the number of friends and family – even strangers – who’ve asked how, and why, I …

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Vanda Symon – pharmacist, fencer and NZ crime queen

After a six-month hiatus, Murder Mondays are back, but with a difference. The one-on-one author interviews which proved so popular during last year’s pandemic won’t be weekly this time round. They’ll be monthly but national co-convenor (and author), Karina Kilmore, will still be the one asking the tough questions. This month, Karina put fellow-Kiwi, Vanda …

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Zipping on the zeitgeist: Q&A with Meg Mundell

The Trespassers, Meg Mundell’s first foray into crime fiction, is presciently set during a global pandemic, and tracks the deprivations and fears of passengers sailing from London to Melbourne as new infections break out on board. It won Sisters in Crime’s 20th Davitt Award (Best Crime Novel). Meg talked to Janice Simpson about how this …

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U3APP Talk: Carmel Shute – A Life in Crime

For thirty years this September, Sisters in Crime Australia has been celebrating women’s crime writing, running exciting events, nurturing authors and having fun. Co-founder Carmel Shute told tall tales and true under a grilling from a fellow convenor, Tara Mitchell, via Zoom on 20 March, to U3A Port Phillip. Catch up on our YouTube channel. …

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Surviving the odds: Q&A with Elizabeth Flann

How does a woman alone on a remote island and running out of food escape the men hunting her? Elizabeth Flann’s debut novel, Beware of Dogs (HarperCollins), explores what happens with Robyn Walton.   A warm welcome to your first novel, Elizabeth. Your bio tells us you have a background in publishing, literature, and film? …

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The Creative Leap – Sarah Thornton

Looking back, the leap seems inconceivable. But when the notion first arrived I could not ignore it. I’d taken up law as a second career in my thirties. It was challenging, stimulating, sometimes thrilling, ultimately lucrative and I thrived on it. But twenty years on it had lost its lustre. I wasn’t even sure what I …

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