Women crime writers clean up at the Ned Kelly awards

Breaking news from Jason Steger,  The Age Literary editor, re the Ned Kelly Awards presented by the Australian Crime Writers Association on Friday 6 September. Women writers have made a killing at the Ned Kelly crime-writing awards, taking out all three prizes for the first time. The Neds were presented on Friday as part of BAD: Sydney …

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Become a Partner in Crime for the 19th Davitt Awards

Sisters in Crime Australia is appealing to members and supporters to donate towards its 19th Davitt Awards for best crime books by Australian women.  (Click here to donate,) This year, a record 127 crime books are in contention for the awards, due to be presented at a gala dinner on Saturday 31 August, 6.30 for …

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“I Like My Subjects Dead”: Joanne Drayton

The biographer and the detective are not as far apart as you might imagine. This analogy has been made before, and there are much less generous ones. Famously, commentator, Janet Malcolm, likened the biographer to an ‘eavesdropper’, a ‘voyeur’, a ‘snoop’. Some times what I do feels uneasily close to these transgressive manifestations. Not literally, …

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The power of the podcast – Rachael Brown

Rachael Brown was one of the crime writers who spoke at Hitlist on 3 July, the Wheeler Centre event about the current state of crime writing. Serial Davitt winner Emma Viskic compered the session which also included fellow Sister in Crime, Sulari Gentill, plus, Laura Elizabeth Woollett, Garry Disher, and Mark Brandi. I want to …

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The Research Rabbit Hole: Samantha Battams

Some would say it’s because I’m a Gemini, but I have the habit of doing two projects at once aside from my regular career. True to form, this year I will have my first two books published: a true crime tale, The Secret Art of Poisoning and The Red Devil (written with Les Parsons). Researching …

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Law Week: Women are still being targeted online “at their weakest point”

Over 120 crime fans turned up for Sisters in Crime’s 13th Annual Law Week event on Friday 17 May, Stalking, Trolling and Cyber-Bullying, organised in partnership for the fourth year running with  the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre, Victoria University.  Special thanks to Professor Kathy Laster and her wonderful team for helping make this all happen. Thanks also …

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Revolutionary Disillusionment: Q&A with Laura Elizabeth Woollett

Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, spoke to Sydney author, Laura Elizabeth Woollett, about her book Beautiful Revolutionary (Scribe, 2018) which has just been longlisted for the 2019 Australian Literature Society (ALS) Gold Medal. Hi Laura. You give your readers a fictionalized account of the rise and fall of the Peoples Temple cult, which ended with …

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