Detective Sergeant Sarah Michaels knows more than anyone how, in a moment of weakness, a person can be driven to do something they never thought possible.

Lewis also knows but can’t reveal what he saw that afternoon at the creek without exposing his own secret.
Five days later, Esther’s buried body is discovered.

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Men’s jocks hold the crucial clue in the winning story for Sisters in Crime’s 29th Scarlet Stiletto Awards

A capacity crowd gathered on Saturday night (3 December) to celebrate Sisters in Crime’s 29th Scarlet Stiletto Awards at South Melbourne’s Rising Sun Hotel. Nicole Chamoun, star of Troppo, based on the book, Crimson Lake, by long-term member, Candice Fox, presented the awards, after first discussing her life in crime with award-winning author and podcaster, Vikki Petraitis.

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Out of Breath

The paradisiac free-diving haven that embraces Jo Ainsley without judgement is not all it seems. It harbours some sinister secrets – and so does Gabe. Jo searches for answers, but is she prepared for what she uncovers? She must decide where her loyalties lie and if she is really ready to confront the darkness of her past…

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