Seeking justice through the crime novel : Q&A with Robin Gregory

Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, Robyn Walton, spoke to Robin Gregory about her debut crime novel, Traffic (Clan Destine Press).  Hello Robin. Is Traffic your first publication? And what led you to choose crime fiction? Thanks for the opportunity, Robyn. In relation to the first half of your question, I self-published a thriller called Novice Death …

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Now online: The Innocents: child victims

All societies profess to love and cherish children, especially for their innocence, but this innocence is often what causes them to become victims of violence and abuse, unable to defend themselves or even speak out. Seasoned writers Caroline Overington, Katherine Kovacic and Stella Budrikis discussed these particularly evil crimes with fellow writer Emily Webb.  Click …

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Place in crime – Sandi Wallace

When we pick up a crime novel, we have expectations. Perhaps we anticipate that it will have a serious crime, or a memorable, possibly larger-than-life central character … or two or three. We may want high stakes, something surprising yet credible, or a story packed with rising conflict, making it powerful and urgent. But what …

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The joys of mystery with history: Q&A with Tea Cooper

Tea Cooper, the award-winning author of historical fiction, spoke from regional NSW to Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, Robyn Walton, about her latest novel, The Cartographer’s Secret (HQ Fiction). Welcome to Sisters in Crime, Tea. Your historical novels have a big fan base. I thought keen consumers of mystery and crime who haven’t yet read you …

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Crime waves – the beach awash with possibilities

Not had enough of the beach over the holidays? Catch up with Sisters in Crime’s first event for 2021 with authors Belinda Alexandra, Sarah Thornton and Lisa Walker as they explore the appeal of salt-laced mysteries with Tara Mitchell. Click  below to view the event on YouTube:   Belinda Alexandra’s latest book, The Mystery Woman (HarperCollins Publishing), is set in …

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Singapore jewels: Q&A with A. M. Stuart

Melbourne author A. M. Stuart spoke to Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime Australia’s Vice-President, about her Harriet Gordon mystery series and the sources of her inspiration. Hi, A. M., and congratulations on your new historical crime series, published by Berkley Prime Crime, an imprint of Penguin Random House in New York. Some readers will already …

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Best holiday reads, 2020-2021

What a year it has been and what a solace (and diversion) reading – especially reading crime books – has proven. Now, oh joy, we can throw off our masks in most places and enjoy a holiday (or at least a small break) and, of course, more reading. Sisters in Crime asked convenors, author members, …

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