Killing it – Australia’s deadliest female writers

The Sunday Age and Sydney Morning Herald published a feature  by Thuy On on Sisters in Crime, Australian women’s crime writing and the Scarlet Stiletto Awards in M Magazine (18 November). Pictured is Sally Browne and scarlet stilettos in 2009. The body of evidence is mounting and the verdict is conclusive: Australian women writers are deadly. For …

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Digging out the truth about justice

Authors Rachael Brown, Kate Wild, and Maryrose Cuskelly spoke to fellow true crime author Vikki Petraitis at South Melbourne’s Rising Sun Hotel on 19 October about how persistence and perspicacity pay off when it comes to investigating crime. It was a very serious topic and the ensuing debate was both illuminating and profound. But, as …

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New Sisters in Crime Committee

Sisters in Crime Annual General meeting on 19 October elected a new committee for the next year. Seven existing committee members were re-elected: Caz Brown, Lindy Cameron (President), Lesley Gillis (Treasurer), Moraig Kisler, Pauline Meaney, Carmel Shute (Secretary) and Robyn Walton (Vice-President). Michaela Lobb did not re-stand. Two new convenors were elected: Tara Mitchell and Maryann …

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Delusion and deception writ large

On 7 September, Megan Goldin, Susi Fox and Pip Drysdale talked to Janice Simpson at Sisters in Crime in Melbourne about deception and delusion, revenge and retribution, and how Sun Tzu’s The Art of War helps if you’re hellbent on making him pay. The debate on this topic was in turns serious and hilarious. Who …

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Women call the shots in this year’s Ned Kelly Awards

Sisters in Crime authors, Sulari Gentill and Sarah Bailey, took out two of the top awards at Ned Kelly Awards presented in Melbourne tonight (26 August) by the Australian Crime Writers Association. Sulari Gentill won the Ned Kelly Award for Best Crime novel, Crossing the Lines (Pantera Press), which she describes as her love letter …

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