Killing it – Australia’s deadliest female writers

The Sunday Age and Sydney Morning Herald published a feature  by Thuy On on Sisters in Crime, Australian women’s crime writing and the Scarlet Stiletto Awards in M Magazine (18 November). Pictured is Sally Browne and scarlet stilettos in 2009. The body of evidence is mounting and the verdict is conclusive: Australian women writers are deadly. For …

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Women call the shots in this year’s Ned Kelly Awards

Sisters in Crime authors, Sulari Gentill and Sarah Bailey, took out two of the top awards at Ned Kelly Awards presented in Melbourne tonight (26 August) by the Australian Crime Writers Association. Sulari Gentill won the Ned Kelly Award for Best Crime novel, Crossing the Lines (Pantera Press), which she describes as her love letter …

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Immersion into the murky waters of crime: Q&A with Sarah Bailey

Sarah Bailey talked to Robyn Walton, national co-convenor of Sisters in Crime Australia, about her debut novel The Dark Lake (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2017)  Hello Sarah and congratulations on the very positive reviews you’ve been receiving. Your debut novel is being likened to Jane Harper’s successful first novel, The Dry. How are you feeling? …

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The gritty, realistic and persistent story idea

Sarah Bailey: When the premise of The Dark Lake first popped into my mind, I swiftly pushed it away. It was April 2015 and I was around 25,000 words into another manuscript, a story that I was really passionate about. 25,000 words was the closest I had gotten to a finished book and I was incredibly …

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