Sisters in Crime Australia is backing The Voice

The mission of Sisters in Crime has always been to give a voice to those without.

It is now time for the First Nation Australians to have a Voice.

Hundreds of Australian writers, agents, booksellers, and publishers are now supporting the Writers for the Voice initiative which was started by Nicole Abadee and Jane Novak, a Sydney Sisters in Crime member. A sleuth of Sisters in Crime author members has already signed up.

Nicole Abadee and Jane Novak are calling on writers to publish written pieces on the Voice, speak at events about the campaign and spread the word to their networks.

Testimonials from writers on the website include support from author and academic Jane Caro, who spoke at a Sisters in Crime event last year:

“I support the Voice because Indigenous disadvantage—in education, life expectancy, infant mortality, incarceration rates, poverty, violence and so much remains glaring. Time to listen to the Voice of First Nations people about what will help make a real difference.”