Open invitation: S J Morgan’s, Hide (Adelaide)

Mitcham Library 54 Belair Rd, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Please come and help us celebrate the release of Adelaide Sister in Crime S J Morgan's brand new crime/thriller, Hide (MidnightSun Publishing).  It’s 1983 in Thatcher’s Britain. Alec Johnston has left his comfortable family home in Cardiff and taken a flat with bikers Minto, Stobes and Black. There he meets Sindy, Minto’s strange and vulnerable ...

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Twisted Sisters

Three new novels – Rose Carlyle’s  The Girl in the Mirror (Allen & Unwin), Sally Hepworth’s  The Good Sister (Pan Macmillan) and Sonya Bates’  Inheritance of Secrets (HarperCollins) – all explore sisters; sisters who are variously sinister, secretive or strange, especially when they happen to be twins, as is the case with both Rose’s and ...

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Sisters in Crime SA “Inheritance of Secrets and Deadly Secrets” – Meet the Authors

The Duke of Brunswick Hotel 207 Gilbert St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Sisters in Crime SA next gathering will be a networking event and an opportunity to hear from recently published authors. Sisters of Crime SA convenor Dr Samantha Battams will interview Sonya Bates, author of Inheritance of Secrets (Harper Collins) and  H.R. (Helmine) Kemp, author of Deadly Secrets (self-published). Come along and meet fellow authors and ...

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$10 – $15