Vale Brenda Richards

Sisters in Crime and the St Kilda community are mourning the death of Brenda Richards at the age of 85. She was a member of Sisters in Crime for over 30 years and wrote two crime novels. Brenda was inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women in 2011. primarily for her role in founding the Council of Single Mothers and their Children. A few years later she was made an Ambassador for Women by the Labor Party, as well as the Number 1 female ticket holder for the local St. Kilda City Football Club. In 2021, Brenda received an OAM “for service to the community through social welfare organisations”.

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24th Davitt Awards for women’s crime books now open

Sisters in Crime Australia’s 24th Davitt Awards for the best crime and mystery books by Australian women from 2023 are now open.
The competition is open to books by all women, whether cisgender, transgender or intersex, who are citizens/residents of Australia. Self-published books are eligible. The Davitts cost publishers $25 a title to enter. Many thanks to Swinburne University of Technology for its support.

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Celebrating 30 Years of Mystery, Murder and Malice

To mark the Scarlet Stiletto Awards big anniversary, Sisters in Crime published The Scarlet Stiletto: 30 Years of Mystery, Murder and Malice, edited by Vice-President Lindy Cameron, courtesy of Clan Destine Press. Sue Turnbull says that this precious volume contains all 30 of the winning stories that are so different in their approach that it is evident that there is no ‘right’ way to write a winning Scarlet Stiletto story. Indeed, what the unpredictability of these stories suggest is that the more unconventional and original your take on the genre might be, the more likely you are to succeed.

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Never underestimate the power of a scarlet stiletto: Cate Kennedy

Cate Kennedy, the winner of the first two Scarlet Stiletto Awards in 1994 and 1995, and launched Scarlet Stiletto: The Fifteenth Cut, an e-book collection of the 2023 winning stories, edited by Phyllis King ($7.99) and The Scarlet Stiletto: 30 Years of Mystery, Murder and Malice, edited by Lindy Cameron. (paperback $36.99; e-book $7.99), And, after a witty speech, she sang a wonderful Christmas song, “God rest ye women crime writers, let nothing you dismay”.

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Jillian Cantor, The Fiction Writer

For the November Crime Stack, Simon & Schuster has kindly offered 20 copies of The Fiction Writer the 12th novel by international bestselling author, Jillian Cantor, who is based in Arizona. The Crime Stack is a benefit for Sisters in Crime members. Every month there are 20 books to win in a random draw of members. Join now and be in the running for a complimentary paperback copy of The Fiction Writer.

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Crime spike – 25 stories shortlisted for Sisters in Crime’s 30th Scarlet Stiletto Awards

Sisters in Crime Australia is proud to announce that 25 stories by 25 authors have been shortlisted for its 30th Scarlet Stiletto Awards for best short stories written by Australian women. This year a record 250 stories are vying for a record $12,720 in prize money. The 30th Scarlet Stiletto Awards ceremony will be held on Saturday 25 November, 6 for 6.30 pm, at Rising Sun Hotel, 2 Raglan Street, South Melbourne. (Bookings details to come.)

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2023 Annual General Meeting

Sisters in Crime Australia Inc. takes great pleasure in inviting members to attend its Annual General Meeting which will follow its Killing Time event on Friday 13 October 2023, 9.30 pm, at the Rising Sun Hotel, 2 Raglan St., South Melbourne. It will run for approximately 15 minutes. If you are unable to attend in person, please send in a proxy.

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The Crime Stack: Broken Bay by Margaret Hickey

For the July Crime Stack, Penguin Random House Australia has kindly offered 20 copies of Broken Bay, the third in her award-winning police procedural series featuring Detective Sergeant Mark Ariti. Cutters End, the first in the series, was the winner of the BAD Danger Prize 2022 and was shortlisted for the Ned Kelly Award for Best First Fiction 2022. To be in the running you need to be a member of Sisters in Crime. Why not join now?

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