Sisters in Crime’s Davitt Awards triumph women crime writers

Perth-based author Dervla McTiernan won the best adult novel award for her debut Irish police procedural, The Rúin (HarperCollins Publishers Australia) at Sisters in Crime’s 19th Davitt Awards for best crime books by Australian women on Saturday night (31 August). McTiernan is one of the many Australian women’s crime writers enjoying massive popularity and attracting …

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Domestic noir goes bush@8pm Friday 27 September, Rising Sun Hotel

Kylie Kaden, Petronella McGovern and Felicity McLean will talk to Karina Kilmore-Barrymore  on Friday 27 September at South Melbourne’s Rising Sun Hotel about how home and family can be a cauldron for crime, bringing with it abductions, incarcerations, infidelity and missing children – even in the apparent safety of small rural and coastal towns. Come along early and …

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Felonious communities and fractured families

The murderous intertwining of love, family secrets and the broader society informs the latest novels by Jennifer Lane, Jennifer Spence and Joanna Baker. The authors confessed all under the humorous but incisive interrogation of fellow author Vikki Petraitis in Melbourne on April 12. Under Vikki’s probing, they explained what inspired them to write their novels …

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How writing changed these authors’ lives

Sisters in Crime held a fascinating and often hilarious event in Melbourne on 14 June  – Doctors, Danger and Death where three debut crime writers, Susan Hurley, L M Ardor Sue Ingleton, talked to Maggie Baron about the blood-tingling scenarios and scenes of the crime offered by the worlds of science and medicine. We asked …

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