Forensic examination of a country town?* Q&A with Carmel Bird

Robyn Walton, the Vice-President of Sisters in Crime Australia, spoke to Carmel Bird , about her latest novel, Field of Poppies (Transit Lounge, 2019). Carmel was the 2016 winner of the Patrick White Literary Award and is the author of an unconventional crime story merging fictionalised and real-life anxieties. First, Carmel, I’m going to ask …

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Sins of the past: Q&A with Ashley Kalagian Blunt

Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, spoke to Sydney author Ashley Kalagian Blunt, about her book My Name is Revenge (Spineless Wonders). Welcome to our Q&A, Ashley, and belated congratulations: your novella My Name is Revenge) was one of two runners-up in the 2018 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award and was shortlisted for the 2019 …

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The joys of writing a courtesan sleuth: Q&A with M.J. Tjia

Brisbane author M.J. Tjia talks to Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, Robyn Walton, about her books She Be Damned (Pantera, 2017) and A Necessary Murder (Pantera, 2018) Hello, M.J. Sisters in Crime Australia got to know you in 2017 when you won the History and Mystery category in our annual short story competition, the Scarlet Stiletto Awards. …

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A murder mystery about mystery itself – Q&A with Joanna Baker

Joanna’s latest book is The Slipping Place (Impact Press, 2018) and she spoke about her literary trajectory with Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President. Hi, Joanna. First let’s talk about your crime and mystery writing for young adults. In 2005 you won Sisters in Crime’s Davitt Award for Best Young Adult Novel for Devastation Road. …

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Inspiration in real events: Q&A with Kirsten Alexander

Melbourne author Kirsten Alexander spoke to Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, about her debut novel Half Moon Lake (Bantam, 2019), set in America’s Deep South, pre-World War I. Hello Kirsten. First up, how are you finding the experience of being a published author? Humbling. I wasn’t sure if this book would ever be published. …

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Woman on the edge: Q&A with Kirsty Ferguson 

Melbourne author, Kirsty Ferguson, spoke to Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President about her newly launched novel, What Lies Beneath Us (Elephant Tree Publishing, 2019). Kirsty, you preface your novel with a trigger warning, so I’m going to do the same here. This Q&A includes discussion of infants at risk, infant death, and depression suffered by women …

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Revolutionary Disillusionment: Q&A with Laura Elizabeth Woollett

Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, spoke to Sydney author, Laura Elizabeth Woollett, about her book Beautiful Revolutionary (Scribe, 2018) which has just been longlisted for the 2019 Australian Literature Society (ALS) Gold Medal. Hi Laura. You give your readers a fictionalized account of the rise and fall of the Peoples Temple cult, which ended with …

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Inviting Darkness: Q&A with Lisa Unger

Sisters in Crime President, Robyn Walton, spoke to US author, Lisa Unger, about her latest psychological thriller, Under My Skin (2018). Hello, and congratulations on your publication record: 16 novels and a novella. In 2018 Bouchercon, the annual mystery convention, was held in your US hometown. How was that? Thank you so much! Bouchercon always …

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Mountain mystery: Q&A with Sandi Wallace

Robyn Walton, Sisters in Crime’s Vice-President, spoke to long-term member, Sandi Wallace, about her latest rural crime novel, Into the Fog (Taut Press, 2018).  Sandi, congratulations on the third novel in your Georgie Harvey and John Franklin series. For your setting you chose the Dandenong Ranges, about an hour’s drive east of Melbourne CBD. And …

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