Fact to Fiction

PAM BURTON: I am a lawyer and a writer, primarily, of non-fiction. My first major work was an unauthorised biography of Australia’s first female High Court Justice, Mary Gaudron, From Moree to Mabo: the Mary Gaudron story. Next, drawing on my experience in medico-legal and mental health work, I wrote The Waterlow Killings: a portrait …

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Psychiatry and Crime

ANNE BUIST: My first venture into crime was a six-month stint at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre – a maximum security prison for women. As the prison psychiatrist, not an inmate. This would have been not long after it opened in 1996. A modern low rise sprawl of buildings behind security fences in a desolate …

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My First Crimes

LIZ PORTER: When people ask me what my first novel, Unnatural Order, is about, I say: It’s about an obsessive sexual relationship. That’s true, but it’s only part of the story. If I feel the questioner really wants to know, I venture the long answer and say that it’s about a journalist, Caroline, who goes …

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Becoming the plotter

CANDICE FOX: I’ve always been a pantser, but recently I’ve had to change my entire style as a writer. Flying by the seat of my pants in terms of how I structured plot was how I wrote Hades, Eden and Fall, and there was nothing wrong with that – the process worked for me. When …

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