Breaking into crime: Amanda Hampson

Amanda Hampson, the author of the best-selling The Tea Ladies and its sequel The Cryptic Clue, fell into crime (writing, not indulging) almost by accident. For twenty years, her work had fallen in the vague area of ‘commercial women’s fiction’ but when her 2021 release got smashed by lockdowns, she decided to change it up and do something quite different. Crime is one of the genres she enjoyed reading and she was keen for the challenge. The crossover to a specific genre instantly made her work more marketable.

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A terrible storm hits a country town then glamorous, but hated by everyone, Vanessa Walton is found dead at the bottom of her stairs. And a teenager who believes it was murder, not a trip over a bucket, disappears

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Kate Delaney humiliated a man one night and now she’s bound and gagged in the boot of his car. She’s a crime journalist, she knows how much trouble she is in.

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Sabine Kelly lives on a houseboat, on the run 12 years after a caravan fire killed several people, including Sabine’s family. She confessed, then ran to the river.

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Pip Fioretti, Bone Lands

For the May Crime Stack, Affirm Press has kindly offered 20 copies of Bone Lands by Sydney writer, Pip Fioretti. The Crime Stack is a benefit for Sisters in Crime members. Every month there are 20 books to win in a random draw of members. Join now and be in the running for a complimentary paperback copy of Bone Lands, an outstanding take on rural noir .

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