The Creative Leap – Sarah Thornton

Looking back, the leap seems inconceivable. But when the notion first arrived I could not ignore it. I’d taken up law as a second career in my thirties. It was challenging, stimulating, sometimes thrilling, ultimately lucrative and I thrived on it. But twenty years on it had lost its lustre. I wasn’t even sure what I …

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Crime waves – the beach awash with possibilities

Not had enough of the beach over the holidays? Catch up with Sisters in Crime’s first event for 2021 with authors Belinda Alexandra, Sarah Thornton and Lisa Walker as they explore the appeal of salt-laced mysteries with Tara Mitchell. Click  below to view the event on YouTube:   Belinda Alexandra’s latest book, The Mystery Woman (HarperCollins Publishing), is set in …

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Natalie Conyer headshot

Present Tense (Clan Destine Press) wins a Neddie

It was a dead cert that a member of Sisters in Crime would win this year’s Ned Kelly Award for Best Debut Crime Fiction announced on Wednesday 14 October – all six shortlisted authors were members of Sisters in Crime – Susan Hurley (Eight Lives); Karina Kilmore (Where the Truth Lies); Sarah Thornton (Lapse); RWR …

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Books in the time of coronavirus

There aren’t many upsides to living in the time of coronavirus but catching up on good crime books (by women, of course) is one of them. Sisters in Crime asked its author members what they could recommend. And don’t forget, if you don’t want to buy any of these books from your local bookstore (whilst …

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