Donate to Sisters in Crime Australia

Donate to help fund the mission of Sisters in Crime Australia

Sisters in Crime Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that receives no ongoing government or other funding.

We rely on money we raise from memberships, donations and events to further our work in celebrating women’s crime writing and supporting authors.

Leave a bequest

By leaving a gift in your Will to Sisters in Crime Australia, you will create a lasting impact. Gifts will assist us to continue to hold live and online author events and promote the voice of Australian female crime writing for future generations.

There are several ways in which to leave a gift in your Will:

  1. A residuary bequest – leave all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate to Sisters in Crime Australia.
  2. A percentage of your estate – leave a nominated portion or fixed percentage of your estate to Sisters in Crime Australia. Such a gift will remain inflation-proof and it will be less likely that your Will requires updating in the future.
  3. A specific bequest – leave a specific sum of money or specified items such as artwork, property, or shares to Sisters in Crime Australia.

Suggested wording in a Will

I give to Sisters in Crime Australia Inc. ARBN 650 603 053 for its general purposes:

  1. the whole of my estate whatsoever and wheresoever situate
  2. …….. (insert number) % of my estate
  3. the residue of my estate
  4. the amount of $....... (insert the value of your gift in cash)
  5. my……. (insert name of asset) free of all duties payable at my death, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being of Sisters in Crime Australia Inc. shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).

Your solicitor can advise you on the most suitable option for your situation.

Total Amount
Name and Email

The information you provide will NOT be shared with any third party organisations.