Claire Sutherland, The Crag

For the September Crime Stack, Affirm Press has kindly offered 20 copies of The Crag, by Claire Sutherland, award-winning journalist, former Herald Sun Book editor, and keen climber.

It’s literally a cliff-hanger. While walking on an isolated track in the windswept Wimmera, rock-climber and ambo Skye discovers the body of a young woman. The body has injuries that suggest a rock-climbing accident, but it’s been found more than 5km from the nearest cliffs at Mount Arapiles.

Police ask Skye to help them navigate the perilous world of rock climbing as they try to unravel what happened. Skye is secretly thrilled to be part of the investigation, but as it becomes clear that a killer is on the loose, all thrill turns to fear. In the isolated crags of the mountain, stark beauty can conceal horrific truths.

Author bio:

Claire was born in Scotland and moved to Australia at the age of three. She was a metropolitan journalist with the Herald Sun for more than 20 years, and before that at the Footscray-based Western Times, for which she won the Melbourne Press Club’s 1995 Young Journalist of the Year award. During her time at the Herald Sun, she held roles including books editor, film writer, and features editor. She was the editor-in-chief of mX and News Corp’s national head of entertainment before leaving to pursue a career in freelance writing. Her hobbies include hiking, rock climbing, cooking, and dystopian sci-fi films. The Crag is her first novel.

More info here.

The Crime Stack is a benefit for Sisters in Crime members. Every month there are 20 books to win in a random draw of members.

Join now and be in the running for a complimentary paperback copy of The Crag.

Echo Publishing is sending 20 copies of Murder in Punch Lane by Jane Sullivan to the August Crime Stack winners: Victoria Baldwin (VIC); Sophie Bibrowska (VIC); Helen Burke (VIC); Pamela Burton (ACT); Jan Collins (TAS); Muriel Cooper (VIC); Claire Hill (VIC); Kimberley Ivory (NSW); Fiona Malcolm (VIC); Kerry Nagle (VIC); Carin Needham (QLD); Clare O’Rourke (VIC); Christine Ostermann (SA); Wendy Pruis (VIC); Felicity Pulman (NSW); Sandra Reed (NSW); Tania Ryan (VIC); Romany Rzechowicz (ACT); Faye Shortal (VIC); and Rene Tomaszewski (VIC).