Murder, She Investigates: Sisters in Crime’s 19th Law Week event

Fun ahead . . . Host ‘Judge’ Betty King explores tall tales and true of homicide investigations with former Homicide Squad detective Narrelle Fraser, forensic pathologist Joanna Glengarry, and defence barrister Zoe Broughton. Who does what and with (and to) whom in the course of a murder investigation, from the collection of evidence, the interrogation…

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Black background with words partner and author events, and three lovely red fishies that look a bit like herrings

Red Herrings

Catch up with the latest crime events from around the nation. Already there are lots of crime events happening, especially in Queensland and Victoria. Whatever the time, whatever the season, don’t forget that a book is the perfect gift. It offers so much reading pleasure as well as supporting authors and the publishing industry.

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Davitt Awards 2025

Judging is now very much underway, to review the 77 adult fiction, 5 non fiction, 11 young adult and 15 children’s books submitted for the Davitt Awards 2025. The goal is to have the long list finalised by early June, at the latest. More info in due course.

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Antarctic Noir: Riley James

Antarctic Noir! This is certainly a twist on the ‘isolated community” + murder plot! They’re in Antarctica…how isolated is that?  Riley James talks to Ruth Wykes about the writing of The Chilling. It’s s certainly a twist on the ‘isolated community” + murder plot!  Riley James talks to Ruth Wykes about the writing of this page turner…

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Red and white words: Author Blog. Picture of woman with glasses, white hair and grey knitted jumper

Being a literary detective: Megan Brown

Is co-authoring a biography double the fun or twice the trouble? Megan Brown has co-authored Outrageous Fortunes, the story of Mary Fortune, a prolific and pioneering Australian crime writer. And what a life she led!

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Murder Monday: Jacqueline Bublitz

Best-selling author and multiple award winner, Jacqueline Bublitz, spoke to Sisters in Crime’s Jacq Ellem for the March Murder Monday. Her latest novel is Leave the Girls Behind.

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Win a Regency mystery novel

In a unique offer, HarperCollins Publishing is generously donating 10 copies each of its two Regency murder mysteries – Miss Caroline Bingley, Private Investigator, and The Ladies Road Guide to Utter Ruin for the March Crime Stack. The Crime Stack is a benefit for Sisters in Crime members. Every month there are 20 books to win in a random draw of members. Join now to be in the running.

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Lifting the petticoats: the underbelly of Regency England

Regency England wasn’t all balls, bodices, and beaux for those in high society. Markets and gentlemen’s clubs hid secrets, scandals, spies, escaped convicts, ruthless bounty hunters, and murders most foul, as revealed in two new books by Kelly Gardiner and Sharmini Kumar (Miss Caroline Bingley, Private Investigator) and Alison Goodman (The Ladies Road Guide to Utter Ruin).

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Best holiday reads, 2024-2025

Sisters in Crime invited convenors, author members, Davitt Award judges and winners, and others to nominate their best holiday reads for 2024-2025. As you’ll note, they traverse an extraordinarily wide range of themes, locations, and interests. Some nominations are up-to-the-minute. Others are golden oldies. What they all offer, of course, are hours of reading pleasure and diversion. I loved the passion revealed in the responses. Discover what passed Hazel Edwards’ ‘hot water test’.

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Scarlet stilleto trophy with caption All the Winners

Painting the town red: Scarlet Stiletto Awards Night

What a night. What winners. Here is the lowdown on the 31st Scarlet Stiletto Awards night. Including all the winners.

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Stiletto Bites: hours (and hours) of listening pleasure

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Scarlet Stiletto Awards for best short stories in 2023, Sisters in Crime, Susanna Lobez, actor-turned-barrister-turned-broadcaster-turned-true-crime-author, has been progressively narrating the winning stories in a podcast – Scarlet Stiletto Bites: Scintillating stories by Australian women. Find out how to listen here.

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